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About Nicolas Loeillot and this blog

I am Nikoroe. Nikoroe is a “forced” contraction and deformation of my name in Japanese: ニコラ ロイヨ. I am Nicolas Loeillot.

After 15 years in Japan as an entrepreneur in the A.I. industry, I moved to beautiful Switzerland for focusing on sharing my experience of growing innovation, helping entrepreneurs in their endeavor.

I am an Expert at the Swiss Federal Agency for Innovation,  InnoSuisse, where I advise on funding of scientific projects by the Confederation.

A permanent resident of Japan, I raised 2 young adults there, balancing multiple cultures and as many visions of the world. They are often subjects of my experiments.

I practice kyudo, the (difficult) Japanese archery martial art. I am a disciplined guy, a passionate about personal growth, cognitive health, productivity, education and knowledge management.

I share my points of view about my readings. I write in English or in French.

I also try to keep a diary about what I consume, buy, and do and that could be of interest. It is also a way to remember to pay attention to what I do now! and to review what grabbed my attention in the past.

Documenting our life is important and I try to capture nicely with photographs. I have no other ambition in this domain than capturing and experimenting. A complimentary experience is on もくもくと.

Our world has become increasingly intolerant, if not nasty, and I post most of my content to subscribers. I am happy to have conversations with you as a subscriber. It is free but you must use your real identity.

You can learn more about the technical aspects of this blog on this page.